White Paper. The Science.
Goodair Nosebuds.
The nosebuds and battery size is minimized since the primary source of acoustic energy is generated by your diaphragm, the biggest muscle in your breathing system.
During nasal breathing, energy from your diaphragm enables the humming sound and vibrations to be generated with sufficient power to benefit your complete upper airway.
Humming has been shown to augment airflow through your sinuses and release a gas called nitric oxide that is naturally produced by your body to protect your airways and provide many health and wellbeing benefits.
Inhaled endogenous nasal nitric oxide is thought to have many benefits including killing inhaled pathogens, eliminating chronic sinusitis symptoms, reducing stress and inducing calmness, enhancing sleep, and lowering heart rate and blood pressure.
Unaided humming can only be performed during exhalation, resulting in most of your nasal nitric oxide being lost. Goodair nose buds create humming during inhalation and exhalation, increasing the concentration of nitric oxide you inhale.
The human nose protects our airways and was designed for breathing and smelling while the mouth was designed for eating, drinking and speaking. If you don’t breathe through your nose, it will eventually become blocked. Humming can help unblock your nose so that you can breathe properly and not through your mouth.
Airway mucus protects us by trapping inhaled allergens, pathogens and pollutants but can become thick and block our nose. Regular humming is seen as an airway tonic that maintains an unblocked nose and overall health by increasing airway hydration and mucociliary transport, enabling nasal mucus to be easily transported and removed.
Goodair nose buds provide an audible humming sound and vibration within the nose which you hear and feel to assist you pacing your breathing. This feedback makes you conscious of your breath rate and pattern, and helps you transition away from mouth breathing that is associated with many negative health and wellbeing outcomes.